Posted on 7/11/2019

Summer is in full swing and that means you’re likely using your car’s air conditioning more than ever. In order to keep your car’s AC system working properly during the hottest months of the year, it’s smart to consider taking the following steps. Consider Having a Coolant (Radiator) Flush Over time coolant breaks down and becomes dirty, needing to be changed (much the same as oil changes are necessary). If the coolant becomes too dirty (with dirt and rust particles) it will clog the radiator, leading to more expensive problems. Run Your Air Conditioner Regularly, Even if You’re Not Hot This helps clear out and prevent buildup of mildew, and ensures the refrigerant circulates through the system, keeping important components of the cooling system well lubricated Schedule an Annual Air Conditioning Tune Up At Aardvark Automotive in Amarillo, we recommend a BG Air Conditioning Service a ... read more